Online Portfolio

My name is Caesar John B. Payot a Grade 12 HUMSS A student, my portfolio is the representation of some of my works, in genre of poetry and short story in our Course of Creative Writing.
When it comes to writing I always believe that “Every writer I know has trouble writing”.
Projects :Create your own Online Portfolio

Genre to be featured: Spoken Poetry and Fiction(short story)

Objective: The main objective of this online portfolio is to showcase some of my works in creative writing.


            I cannot wait to reach the end,
           I cannot wait to share and lend,
         The things that I have experience,
        That thing in the end I bring dream.
                   "Face Me Like a Man"
    It was a rainy Sunday morning at a shop I usually hang. I was reading a book. Lost in my own little world but just like all the cliche romance, you come barging on the door and just by that you walk into my life. The second our eyes met as the moment I knew I deeply feel inlove with the girl I just laid my eyes on, like a living art your beauty remained at the depths of my heart.
   Day by day, I await for your arrival and fate was not selfish for our seems to cross a lot more than I expected byt there was one problem I don't have courage to even say "Hi". All I can do was to stare at you from the distance. Imagining a fantasy where you and I could be. If I only had the courage, I think there is a possibility that our fairytale won't end too soon.
   One day, I decided to took up the courage to talk to you. As you were about to leave I grabbed you by your arm. You looked at me with surprise and confusion in your eyes and I was left dumb founded unable to speak.
   I was ashamed, a coward so I turned my back on her my hands trembling as my tears started to fall. From steps I took fove steps and I was stopped by your call. You told me the words I never thought you say "I have been waiting for this moment so don't you dare turn your back on me and face me like a man".
    Five years later, I was standing at the aisle waiting for you, my bride to be with tears in my eyes as I look at you smiling brightly back at me. I cannot believe I will marry the girl who I fell in love at sight at the coffe shop I use to hang.


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